Sunday, June 22, 2014

Thing 3

5th Grade Science TEKS
  • 5.7B recognize how landforms such as deltas, canyons, and sand dunes are the result of changes to Earth's 
  • surface by wind, water, and ice 
  • 5.2E demonstrate that repeated investigations may increase the reliability of results 
  • 5.2F communicate valid conclusions in [both] written [and verbal] form[s] 
  • 5.2G construct appropriate simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts using technology, including computers, to organize, examine, and evaluate information

Teacher Goals
Tlw work in collaborative groups researching, creating, analyzing and presenting information about landforms.  By the end of the week, they should be able to identify a landform by its description, understand how water, wind, and ice will change the shape of thier landform with quantitative data, understand that there are limitations in model and what we are able to demonstrate and finally they are expected to communicate their findings verbally, with writing, and using technology.

Student Learning Objectives
Tlw identify a landform by its description
Tlw create a landform such as a  delta, canyon, and sand dune using sand
Tlw demonstrate how wind, water, and ice will change these landforms over time
Tlw will discuss and write about the creation and changes in thier landforms as a result of the wind, water, and ice erosion.
Tlw create a presentation that will identify thier landform, how it is created and changed as a result of ice, wind and water.  Tlw will also identify the limitations in the model they created. 

Technology Intergration
The lesson plan I'm creating using technology will be utilized on the last day is ongoing throughout the week.  I will use the programs in IWork for students to journal their finds daily.  They will be responsible for answering guided questions using Pages.  I will have them to take pictures of the landform their group create as well as save two images they find on line.  My goal is for them to replicate a landform, identify its location and name.  On day three tlw use numbers to chart and graph changes in the height and length in their landforms as a result of water, ice, and wind.(Three models were created to test).  Finally by the end of the week tlw work in groups to create a powerpoint sharing their day by day discovery of discovery using  a template.  This assignment will be submitted  using Google Forms by each individual student to hold them accountable for the information research.

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