Sunday, June 29, 2014

Thing 13

For the final 13 Things post, answer the following questions: 1. How has your thinking been transformed about the integration of iPads into the curriculum? What surprised you about this process? Most likely if your thinking about it,there is a app to help. 2. What are your favorite tools, features, and/or apps which you learned about during this professional development? Garage Band is my favorite for podcasting. 3. What was your biggest “aha” moment during this training- learning about fair use was big aha.

Thing 12

Assignment: How well were the tools integrated throughout the lesson? Very well Are the students doing the majority of the learning and creating? In both lesson plans they are. r this assignment.**

Thing 11

Assignment: Objective Tlw create a ScreenChomp video explaining the flow of energy in a food chain and the effects of changes in the food chain. Science Content TEK- 5.9(B) describe how the flow of energy derived from the Sun, used by producers to create their own food, is transferred through a food chain and food web to consumers and decomposers;Objective Technology TEK- 1 a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues d. Identify trends and forecast possibilities 2. a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems 3 d. Process data and report results 4 b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions Vocabulary Sun, producer, consumer, prey, predator, decomposer, herbivore, carnivore, energy, omnivor Audience-ESL Beginners classroom Instructional Input/Modeling Before the lesson began the students were given pictures of food chains and food webs. This lesson would have been taught previously. In a whole group setting the students were allowed to talk about food chains. They were then asked to share what they know about food chains and food webs. A chart was used to share everything they know about food chains. Guided Practice/Learning Activity The class conversation began with ecosystems and examples of different ecosystem. Images were pulled and displayed with Safari using the lightening to VGA adapter. The population of students come from many different countries so they were allowed to share a landbased and aquatic ecosystem. 5 volunteers was requested to simulate the Sun, producer, consumers (3 students). A vocabulary activity was initiated to make sure students had a good understanding of the food chain componenents such as a energy source, consumers, producers, predator, and prey. The students are asked numerous times to reiterate what is this, what is the role of the___________, what is the name again, what does it eat, who eats this organism, it is the prey to what, it is the predator of, if this was removed how would every organism of the food chain be affected. This activity was repeated numerous times to assure understanding. The ecosystems we used were; Landbased-Backyard Sun-Grass-Cricket-Lizard-Owl Aquatic-Ocean Sun-algae-plankton-clownfish-shark Using the Screen Chomp application the teacher modeled how to snag and save and image from google, and upload it to ScreenChomp. The teacher then modeled how the learner explain what is taking place in the food chain and what are the effects if there are pollutants, extinction or over population. Sentence Stems The producer is (basic) The consumers are.. (basic) The energy source is... (basic) The predator is (basic) The prey is.. (basic) _______will happen if the ______population increased (Intermediate) _______will happen if the ______population decreased (Intermediate) If ________ would pollute the _________ then ___________would happen to the food chain (advanced) Independent Practice The student is responsible for creating a screenchomp video explaining the flow of energy in a food chain and the effects of changes in the food chain. Closure D.L.I.Q. Assessment Completion of the assignment.

Thing 10

Assignment: Part 1 I learned that you have to be intentional when teaching this concept. I also learned you have to know the laws as it relate to fair use. I felt like the little girls. i know at some point in time i broke the law unknowingly. Copyrighting and fair use has been a gray area for me. To make sure students are aware of this i would make sure teachers know the importance of teaching, reviewing and inspecting students work. Part 2 After watching the video from Common Sense Educators, what stuck out in your mind about how the teacher introduced copyright and fair use to her students? The review of vocabulary and the use of materials the students were familiar with. This was such an impactful lesson because she used eexample.

Thing 9

What are 2-3 potential ways you can use Skype in your classroom? I would love to have students participate in book studies on classic literature with another class, state, or country. Science experiment with students communicating their findings with another class, state, or country. What are 2-3 potential ways you can use Padlet in your classroom? Having groups build on a idea in class such as Earth Science Creating a digital story board Discuss how using these tools will help enhance student learning and engagement These tools hold students accountable for information they learned or learning.

Thing 8

I would use the Google customizable search engine the most. I am always concerned about my students being about to have access to everything when they are searching. It is like the market in Bangkok. To much and this can lead to students feeling frustrated and time will be wasted. I can set up potential sites for my students and it allows me to choose thier source.

Thing 7

Assignment: In a 2-3 paragraph post for "Thing 7", discuss the following: First let me start out by saying GarageBand is great. I can't believe its a free app. This a great for all content areas. I thought this was a app the music department could use. My favorite feature is the ability for students to engage in the learning process with the connections for them to teach others. The podcast has the ability to help students improve fluency as well create mnemonic devices to increase retention of data. Garage band makes this simple on any device. They did a lot of work to make it and publish it. I would post them on my teacher webpage and my class blog site.